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Food Processing Opportunities in Punjab

Food Consultant for Punjab

Scenario of State of  Punjab

Punjab, called the "Granary of India", is bounded on the west by Pakistan, on the north by Jammu and Kashmir, on the northeast by Himachal Pradesh and on the south by Haryana and Rajasthan.

The state has a total cultivable area of 4.2 mn ha, which constitutes 3% of the net area sown in India. With this area, Punjab produces 18% of wheat, 12% of rice, 10% of milk, 20% of honey, 48% of mushroom and 5% of cotton in the country. In terms of wheat production, it generates the third largest marketable surplus after Canada and Australia; while in case of rice, its market surplus is second only to Thailand.


Advantage Punjab

  • Availability of Robust Infrastructure

  • Various Incentive Scheme for Industrial Growth

  • State is having 4.23 Million ha Cultivable Area out of 5.03 Million ha which is 84% of States’ Area

  • Rank 1 in "Ease of Setting Up A Business" by World Bank.


​​Key Production Highlights of Punjab

Largest Producer : Punjab Tops in Honey Production. Leading producer of Eggs and Milk. Rank 3 in Rice Production in India. Punjab tops in Mandrin yield in the country with 23 MT/HA.



  • 3 Mega Food Parks. 3 Agro Food Processing Industrial Areas.

  • 16 Cold Chain Projects.

  • 600+ Cold Storages with 2.2 MMT Capacity 

  • Airports.

  • 5 inland container depots (ICDs) and 5 CFS.

Economic Snapshot

  • Budget allocation of INR 3121 Crore for Agriculture and Allied Activities for the year 2020-21.

  • Budget allocation of INR 112 crore for Industry and Minerals for the year 2020-21.

  • GSDP of the State stood US$ 74.1 bn at current prices for the year 2018-19.

  • GSDP Growth rate 9% for the year 2018-19.

  • Industrial sector of the State which contributes 24.67% to GSVA has increased by 3.98% in 2017-18 (A) as compared to 5.38% in 2016-17 (Q).

  • The State accounts for about 7.31% of the total registered factories in Food Processing Industry (FPI) sector in the country

Image by Chirag Jain
Anchor 1

Horticulture Crops








Spices Crops



Agriculture Crop





Anchor 2

Food Processing Opportunities 

Image by ja ma

Fruits & Vegetable processing

  • F&V Canning & Ketchup Line

  • F&V Aseptic & Concentrate Unit

  • Fruit Juice/ Squashes

  • IQF/Frozen F&V

  • Jam & Jelly

Image by ja ma

Food Ingredient Units

  • Food Color

  • Extracts from Spices

  • Pectin/ Antioxidant Extraction Unit

Image by Kai Wenzel

Specialized Units-1

  • Fortified Dairy/ F&V Products

  • Fortified Bakery products

  • Nutraceutical Products

  • Probiotic Food

Spices in Heaps

Spice & Herbs Processing

  • Organic Spice Grinding Line

  • Herbs Cutting & Grinding

  • Spice Paste & Powder

  • Spice oil extraction units

  • Whole and ground Spices

Diary Products.jpg

Dairy Products

  • Milk based Sweets

  • Pasteurized Milk

  • Milk Products (Paneer, Ghee, Cheese, Curd/ Lasse, Powder)

  • Canned Sweets Line

  • Ice Cream Line

  • UHT Milk Packaging in Tetrapack

Image by Calum Lewis

Specialized Units-2

  • Food Enzymes

  • Functional Foods

  • Super Critical Fluid Extraction

  • Food Testing Lab

  • Honey processing

Stalks of Wheat

Cereal Products

  • Flour Mill/ Rice Mill

  • Bakery Line

  • Solvent Extraction Unit

  • Macroni Products

  • Breakfast Cereals

  • Extruded & Fried Snacks

  • Instant Mixes/ Soups

Couscous with Meat and Vegetables

Egg & Meat Products

  • Frozen Meat Products

  • Egg Powder Unit

  • Canned Fish & Meat Products

  • Sausages & Salami

  • Ready to Cook products

Image by Shelley Pauls

Pulse Products

  • Dal Mill

  • RTE Products

  • Besan Mill

  • Canned Pulses

  • Puffed Snacks

  • Organic Whole Pulses

Image by Devin Avery

Beverage Unit

  • RTS Juice in Tetrapak

  • Instant Tea Products

  • Natural Mineral Water

  • Packaged Drinking Water

  • Vitamin Drink

  • Sports Drink

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