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National Horticulture Board

The National Horticulture Board (NHB) was set up by the Government of India in 1984 as an Autonomous organization under the administrative control of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and registered as a society under Societies Registration Act with its headquarters at Gurugram.


The broad aims and objectives of the Board are to develop production clusters/hubs for integrated Hi-tech commercial horticulture, development of Post-harvest and cold chain infrastructure, ensure the availability of quality planting material, and to promote the adoption of new technologies/tools/ techniques for Hi-tech commercial horticulture etc.

Image by Rajendra Biswal

Development of Commercial Horticulture through Production and Post Harvest Management of Horticulture Crops


Eligible Processing Activities: Planting material, plantation, irrigation, fertigation, mechanization, precision farming, GAP, Farm Machinery, PHM components and primary processing unit


Minimum Land Area:

General Area 5 Acre and in North East region – 1 Acre


Add on Components: Cost of Land, Land Development,Cultivation expenses, Drip system with internal pipeline, Irrigation infrastructure, Horticulture Mechanization, Civil Infrastructure, Bed Preparation ​


General Area: @40% limited to 30.00 Lakh per project

NE, Hilly States & Schedule Caste: @50% limited to 37.50 Lakh per project

Scheme Components:- Commercial Horticulture Development in a protected cover

Protected Cover Including Components: planting material, plantation, irrigation, fertigation, mechanization, etc

Infrastructure/Activity and Crops eligible:  Green Houses, Shade Net House, Plastic Tunnel, Anti bird /Hail nets

Minimum Land Area: General Area 2500 sq meter and in North East region, the project having area cover 1000 sq meter.

Crop Eligible:

  1. Flowers: Anthurium, Orchids, Rose, Lilium, Chrysanthemum, Carnation, and Gerbera.

  2. Vegetables: High-value vegetables: Capsicum, Cucumber, Tomato

Pattern of Assistance:  @ 50% of the total project cost limited to Rs 56.00 lakh


For construction/expansion/ modernization of cold storage and storage for Horticulture Produce.Cold Storage


Financial Assistance:

  • General Area: @35% for a storage capacity above 5000 MT up to 10000 MT.

  • NE, Hilly States: @50% for a storage capacity 1000 MT or above

  • Technology Add-on for CA and Modernization (Subject to a maximum of Rs.5.00 crores for CA equipment and Rs.2.50 Crore for modernization).



Integrated Post Harvest Management projects relating to Pack House, Ripening Chamber, Refer Van, Retail Outlets, Pre- cooling unit, Primary processing etc.


Crops eligible: In case of primary processing, projects related to Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Aromatic plants and Cashew are only eligible for subsidy.


Pattern of assistance: Credit linked back-ended subsidy

@ 35% of the total project cost limited to Rs 50.75 lakh per project in general area and

@ 50 % of project cost limited to Rs. 72.50 lakh per project in NE Region, Hilly States and Scheduled areas.


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