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Subsidy/ Grant for Agri & Food Processing Industry by Central Government (MoFPI)

There are various Financial and/ or Fiscal Incentive from Central/ State Governments Specially for Food processing Industries. 

Central Government is providing Grant-in-aid 50% to 75% for Food Processing units with a cap of 5-10 crores.

> Grant/Subsidy: 

A. Scheme for Creation of Backward and Forward Linkages. Financial assistance is provided for setting up of primary processing centers/ collection centers at farm gate and modern retail outlets at the front end along with connectivity through insulated/ refrigerated transport.  

Grant-in-aid (Maximum 5 Crore)

@ 35% for General Areas and

@ 50% for North East States, Himalayan States,and ITDP Areas.

For Detailed Guideline Click Here

B. Scheme for Creation of Infrastructure for Agro Processing Cluster. Scheme is to create modern infrastructure fit for food processing industries closer to the production areas,

Component of the Scheme Basic Enabling Infrastructure: Roads, water supply, power supply (Solar Power Plant, DG Set, Bio-mass Power Plant), drainage, ETP etc.,Comman Office, Core Infrastructure/ Common facilities: Warehouses, cold storage, Frozen Store, IQF, Ripening Chamber, Blast Freezer, Plate Freezer, Reefer Truck, Tetra Pack, F&V sorting, grading, Grains Sortex etc.

Land Area Requirement: Minimum  10 Acre

Other Condition: At least 5 food processing units with a minimum investment of Rs. 25 crore has to be setup in the Project which are also eligible to take grant under the Scheme of CEFPPC of MoFPI

Grant-in-aid (Maximum 10 Crore)

@ 35% for General Areas and

@ 50% for North East States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas

Detailed Guideline Click Here

C. Scheme for Creation/ Expansion of Food Processing & Preservation Capacities  The setting up of new units and modernization/ expansion of existing units are covered under the scheme. Units will be considered in Mega Food Parks (MFPs), Agro-processing Clusters  assisted by the Ministry and in designated food parks notified by the Ministry from time to time.

Grant-in-aid (Maximum 5 Crore)

@ 35% for General Areas and

@ 50% for North East States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas

Detailed Guideline Click Here

Designated Food Park Click Here

D. Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure

It is creation of infrastructure facility along the entire supply chain facilities from farm level to distribution Level. The scheme allows flexibility in project planning with special emphasis on creation of cold chain infrastructure at farm level.

For storage infrastructure grant-in-aid @ 35% for General Areas and @ 50% for North East States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas. For value addition and processing infrastructure grant-in-aid @ 50% for General Areas and @ 75% for North East States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas. For irradiation facilities grant-in-aid will be provided @ 50% for General Areas and @ 75% for North East States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas.

For Detailed Guideline Click Here

E. Operation Greens

The Ministry has formulated a scheme for integrated development of Tomato, Onion and Potato (TOP) value chain.

The Scheme is for infrastructure development from Farming Level to Collection center, Value Addition to Marketing.

The projects will be eligible for grant-in-aid at the rate of 50% of the eligible project cost in all areas

Maximum Grant Ceiling is 50 Crore

For Detailed Guideline Click Here

F. Food Testing Lab

In the interest of consumer safety and public health, there is a need for testing food products in order to ensure that it complies with domestic standards as well as international standards for exports.

For Lab Equipment's grant-in-aid @50% for General Area, 70% for Difficult Area (North East States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas) and @ 100% for Universities/ Colleges.

For Technical Civil Work & Furniture's grant-in-aid @ 25% for General Areas and @ 33% for North East States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas.

No ceiling

For Detailed Guideline Click Here

Our Firm Provides Following Services

» Project Management Services

o Conceptualization of the Project and Finalization of Project Components.

o Bankable/Detailed Project Report

o Assistance in Grant/ Subsidy

o Detailed Design and Engineering of the Project

o Technology Sourcing

o Project Management Consultancy

o Supply Chain Management

o Agriculture Advisory Services etc.

» Food Product Development Services

» Food Safety & Quality Licenses

Registered Address: AEC, At- Bhag Khera, Jind - 126113, Haryana

Corporate Address: B-303, Swagat Rainforest-2, Kudasan, Gujarat 382421

Phone : +91 9016448449, +91- 9958000178

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