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Project Profile: Honey Processing Unit


Honey is sweet edible substance produced by honey bees from the nectar of blossoms - secretions of the living parts of plants. It produced by Indian hive bees is collected by modern extractor. The extracted honey contains hemophilic yeasts, which causes fermentation and destroy the quality of honey. To maintain the qualitative and quantitative value of honey the processing in modern Honey Processing plant is essential.


· Honey in bottles of 150, 250, 375, 500 and 1000 gms.


Honey is commonly used as a sweetener. It's made up of 70–80 percent sugar; the rest is water, minerals, and protein. But honey has many other uses in household and commercially too.


The primary objective of the model report is to facilitate the entrepreneurs in understanding the importance of setting up unit of Fruit & Vegetable Powder. This model report will serve as guidance to the entrepreneurs on starting up such a new project and basic technical knowledge for setting up such a facility.

Critical Success Factors

The proportion of children and the old people would be the primary target market, which is, more than 50% of the total current population. Honey is consumed in larger quantities both in winter and summer seasons. Nevertheless, in Pakistan and abroad, the consumption of honey increases substantively during winter and remain limited during summer.

Raw Material

Basic Raw material for proposed unit is Honey. Other than this packaging material is also required for the Honey Processing Unit.


The capacity of the project is 5000 LPD.

Land Area Requirement

Land should be easily connected with the Road and Rail. The Project Land should also have easy availability of the water and electricity. The ideal land require for the project is 3500 Sqm.

Implementation Schedule

It will take Eighteen (18) months to complete all the formalities before starting the commercial production.

Production Process

Honey contains mainly pollen, dust and air bubbles, which tend to include granulation (crystallization) of it. The crystals present in honey are dissolved by heating the honey to 45 0 C and by doing so its granulation can be retarded. Part of the pollen, foreign particles and wax are removed by filtration. In order to prevent fermentation and destroy yeasts, honey is heated to a temperature of 650 C – 70 0 C for a specific time. Control of proper temperature and appropriate heating time is the most important factor for honey processing activity. An excessive heating increases the quality of “hydroxymethyl furfail” which is desirable while high temperature adversely affects the color and flavor of honey. To keep honey for a long period without contamination and granulation, it has to be cooled before packing. The production process of honey involves the following four steps.

Filtration: The wax and foreign particles present in honey are removed byØ heating the crude honey to 45 0 C which is a temperature below the melting point of wax. Heating honey below this temperature is required also for decreasing its viscosity

Evaporation: The filtered honey is then heated to 60 0 C - 65 0 C for 10 to 15Ø minutes and passed into a falling film evaporator. The water present in honey is boiled at lower temperature by simultaneous application of vacuum so that the moisture is separated and collected separately. This process also destroys the yeasts present in honey.

Cooling and Storing: Honey is then cooled to an atmospheric temperatureØ and stored in a cold vessel for 24 – 28 hours in order to settle and allow the air bubbles to go out.

Filling and Packing: The processed honey is then filled immediately in bottles of various capacity in bulk as required and then packed.

Financial Aspects

  1. Civil Infrastructure : 0.50 Cr.

  2. Plant & Machinery : 2.80 Cr.

  3. Other Expenses : 0.70 Cr.

  4. Total Project Cost : 4.00 Cr.

Means of Finance

  1. Equity Contribution (30%) : 1.20 Cr.

  2. Bank Finance (70%) : 2.80 Cr.

  3. Total Project Cost : 4.00 Cr.

Estimated Turnover of the project will be around Rs. 4 Crore with Positive IRR of 27%.

Government Incentives

1. Government of India has designed a Pradhan Mantri KisanSampada Yojana, In Which Capital Grant from Rs. 5 to 10 Crore is being provided as per the scheme guidelines.

2. Considering Agro and Food Processing as a priority sector various state government are also providing Incentives like Capital Investment Subsidy, Interest Subsidy, Labour Subsidy, Tax Benefits etc.

Our firm Provides following Services

» Project Management Services

o Pre-feasibility Study of the Project and existing market analysis of the product to be manufactured.

o Conceptualization of the Project and Finalization of Project Components.

o Bankable/Detailed Project Report

o Assistance in Grant/ Subsidy

o Detailed Design and Engineering of the Project

o Technology Sourcing

o Project Management Consultancy

o Supply Chain Management

o Agriculture Advisory Services etc.

» Food Product Development Services

o Suitable & Innovative Packaging as per product characteristics

o Bio-Degradable Packaging

o Development of range of variant of product with suitable packaging as per the requirement of product.

» Food Safety & Quality Licenses



o Spice Board of India


For Download the Project Profile of Honey Processing Unit Click Here

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