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Practical approach to succeed International Years of Millet in 2023

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations organized an opening ceremony for the International Year of Millets in 2023 in Rome, Italy. This initiative was crafted by the Government of India.

To contribute to the success of this initiative and achieve the vision of the Government, which ultimately benefits both farmers and consumers, we can do the following:

# Increase the production and consumption of millets.

# Promote the nutritional and health benefits of millets

# Support small-scale farmers who grow millets.

# Encourage research and development of new millet varieties and technologies.

# Raise awareness about the environmental benefits of millets.

To achive above things, we should consider the fact this can only be achive by the commercializaion of the Value added products, which can be taken by the following steps

  1. Processing: Millets need to be cleaned, dehulled, and polished to remove impurities and improve their appearance. This can be done using machines such as dehullers, polishers, and sorters.

  2. Milling: Millets can be ground into flour using mills such as stone mills, hammer mills, and roller mills. This flour can be used to make a variety of food products such as bread, noodles, and porridge.

  3. Fortification: Millet flour can be fortified with essential micronutrients such as iron, zinc, and vitamin A to improve its nutritional value.

  4. Extrusion: Millet flour can be extruded to make a variety of food products such as snacks, breakfast cereals, and pasta.

  5. Fermentation: Millets can be fermented to make traditional fermented food products such as idli, dosa, and fermented porridge.

  6. Innovative product development: New product development with millets can be done by using it as an ingredient in cakes, cookies, pastries, and other baked goods.

  7. Branding and packaging: Proper branding and packaging can help to increase the visibility and appeal of millet-based products, making them more attractive to consumers.

  8. Marketing and promotion: Promoting millet-based products through various mediums such as social media, television, print, and other digital platforms can help to increase consumer awareness and demand


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