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Opportunities in Agriculture and Food Industry after Covid-19

After Covid-19, there will be a drastic change in the business pattern, work pattern, and consumer preference in the market.

It’s a fact that if you have good immunity power so there is less chance of Infection and death chance.

People are now aware that “The Real Wealth is Health”

1. Herbal based food processing units.

In the world people are now more aware of Immunities power, However, there is no solution by the pharmaceutical industry to increase the immunity, there is only one industry that can help to increase immunity power through the natural source which is Herbal & Ayurveda Industry. AEC (Alliance Engineering Consultant) has expertise in this type of unit. “Herbal product processing” involves both farms and processing facilities. The primary herb processing steps include drying, size reduction, grinding, and sieving. The secondary processing involves extraction with the aid of suitable solvents, concentration, and drying.

2. Organic Farming & Food Industry

Organic Food Industry will boost after the Covid 19 Situation; people will be more aware of immunity. People will spend more on organic and natural products. AEC (Alliance Engineering Consultant) has expertise in this type of unit.

Organic food is produced by methods that comply with the standards of organic farming. Standards vary worldwide, but organic farming features practices that cycle resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. AEC (Alliance Engineering Consultant) has expertise in this type of unit.

The Indian government is promoting organic farming by providing financial support to farmers who are adopting organic farming under various government schemes such as Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), National Food Security Mission (NFSM), National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), etc. Looking forward, we expect the Indian organic food market to grow at a CAGR of 20% reaching a value of US$ 2,091 Million by 2024.

3. Protected Cultivation farming Industry

After the Covid-19 Pandemic, People will go for a quality product, however, there are lots of pesticides spray in the Agriculture field which is much harmful and people are suffering from this from the last several decades.

Protected cultivation is a process of growing crops in a controlled environment. This means that the temperature, humidity, light, and such other factors can be regulated as per the requirement of the crop. This assists in healthier and larger produce.

In protected cultivation, there is an option for the residual free crop, which is less harmful to the persons and the environment. We also have specialization for Protected cultivation and crop farming and production with residual free Farm produce with more production. There is also a low-cost structure which can also reduce the capital cost with high production.

4. Nutraceutical Industry

A nutraceutical is defined as any substance that is a food or part of a food and provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease.

Examples of nutraceuticals are natural foods, including antioxidants, dietary supplements, fortified dairy products, and citrus fruits, and vitamins, minerals, herbals, milk, and cereals.

The global nutraceutical market size was valued at USD 382.51 billion in 2019 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 8.3% over the forecast period. Favorable outlook towards medical nutrition in light of the increasing application for the treatment of cardiovascular disorders and malnutrition is likely to stimulate the growth of dietary supplements. Rising healthcare costs, coupled with a growing geriatric population across the world, are anticipated to assist the growth of the global functional food industry over the forecast period.

5. A2 Milk Dairy Farming & Dairy Product Manufacturing

There are two variants of beta-casein protein in cow milk - a1 and a2. Milk that contains only a2 beta-casein protein is known as a2 milk. A2 milk is obtained from specific breeds of cows that produce the beta-casein protein in their milk with a proline at number 67. These cows are older breeds and are found mostly in India. Some breeds that produce a2 milk include Guernsey, Shahiwal, Gir, and Red Sindhi.

A2 milk has more nutritional value than regular milk, since it contains nutrients such as calcium, potassium, vitamin D, and protein. Milk that is free from a1 beta-casein and rich in a2 beta-casein has been found by many people to be easier as far as digestion is concerned.

A2 milk reduces heart disease risk and dairy-related inflammation. The production of a2 milk is more in the Asia Pacific region. Due to augmenting applications and rising demand, the a2 milk market is anticipated to proliferate in terms of value and volume after the coronavirus pandemic.

We are a Professional Project Management Consultant for Agro & Food Processing Industries, From Conceptualization to Project Implementation.
For the infrastructure development of Food Industries, the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India provides the Grant-in-Aid from 35 to 50%. For Detail about the scheme visit our website
Contact: +91-9016448449


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