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Food Processing Opportunities in Karnataka

Food Consultant for Karnataka

Scenario of State of  Karnataka

Karnataka is located in the southern region of India. The state is surrounded by the Arabian Sea in the west, Goa in the northwest, Maharashtra in the north, Andhra Pradesh in the east, Tamil Nadu in the southeast, and Kerala in the southwest. Languages spoken are Kannada, Tulu, Kodava, Hindi and English. Karnataka has a tropical climate with three major seasons: warm and dry from February to May, monsoon from June to October and winter from November to January.

The State has a 320 km coast line and is surrounded on other sides by States such as Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Goa.

Few of the leading crops produced in the state include Coffee, Sunflower, Coarse Cereals, Tomato, Onion, Watermelon, Cucumber, Chilies, Capsicum, pomegranates, Grapes and Sapota


Advantage Karnataka

  • A state with 10 agro climatic zones and a diverse portfolio of products to select.

  • State is Part of the Bangalore – Mumbai Industrial Corridor (BMIC) and Chennai – Bangalore Industrial Corridor (CBIC). 17 districts covering 45% of the state to benefit from the industrial corridor development .

  • Well-developed social, physical and industrial infrastructure and substantial port infrastructure.

  • Wide range of fiscal and policy incentives for businesses under the Karnataka Industrial Policy, with simplified procedures for investment.

  • State is having strong knowledge infrastructure, Karnataka has 52 universities, 4,519 pre-university colleges, 535 Technical Institutions, 206 engineering colleges & 314 polytechnics, 47 medical colleges & 38 dental colleges. § The state also houses 401 R&D centres; around 400 of the Fortune Global 500 companies outsource their IT services to firms in Bengaluru.

  • Ten Agro Climate zone with 6 soil types make Karnataka conducive to grow a large variety of crops. The state has over 65% of its total geographical area under agriculture cultivation.


Key Production Highlights of Karnataka

Largest Producer :  Largest producer of Coffee and Cocoa in the Country. State stands on Rank 3 in production of Poultry Meat.



  • 2 Mega Food Parks.

  • 4 Food Parks.

  • 4 Agri Export zones.

  • 26 SEZs.

  • 2 ICD.

  • 6 Airport

Economic Snapshot

  • At current prices, the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Karnataka stood at about Rs 15.88 trillion (US$ 227.25 billion) in 2019-20.

  • The GSDP (in Rs) of the state grew at a CAGR of 12.80 per cent between 2011-12 and 2019-20..

  • Karnataka share in total export from India valued US$ 14195.35 Million in 2019 (Apr-Dec). Which is 5.36% of total India’s export.

  • The state’s per capita GSDP was Rs 227,725 (US$ 3,258) in 2018- 19.

  • The per capita GSDP (in Rs) increased at a CAGR of 12.71 per cent between 2011-12 and 2018-19

  • According to the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), the cumulative FDI inflow in Karnataka from April 2000 to December 2019 is US$ 40.7 Bn.

Image by Rahul Ranjit
Anchor 1

Horticulture Crops






•Custard Apple




Spices Crops





Agriculture Crop



•Finger Millet

•Small Millets

Anchor 2

Food Processing Opportunities 

Image by ja ma

Fruits & Vegetable processing

  • F&V Canning & Ketchup Line

  • F&V Aseptic & Concentrate Unit

  • Fruit Juice/ Squashes

  • IQF/Frozen F&V

  • Jam & Jelly

Image by ja ma

Food Ingredient Units

  • Food Color

  • Extracts from Spices

  • Pectin/ Antioxidant Extraction Unit

Image by Kai Wenzel

Specialized Units-1

  • Fortified Dairy/ F&V Products

  • Fortified Bakery products

  • Nutraceutical Products

  • Probiotic Food

Spices in Heaps

Spice & Herbs Processing

  • Organic Spice Grinding Line

  • Herbs Cutting & Grinding

  • Spice Paste & Powder

  • Spice oil extraction units

  • Whole and ground Spices

Diary Products.jpg

Dairy Products

  • Milk based Sweets

  • Pasteurized Milk

  • Milk Products (Paneer, Ghee, Cheese, Curd/ Lasse, Powder)

  • Canned Sweets Line

  • Ice Cream Line

  • UHT Milk Packaging in Tetrapack

Image by Calum Lewis

Specialized Units-2

  • Food Enzymes

  • Functional Foods

  • Super Critical Fluid Extraction

  • Food Testing Lab

  • Honey processing

Stalks of Wheat

Cereal Products

  • Flour Mill/ Rice Mill

  • Bakery Line

  • Solvent Extraction Unit

  • Macroni Products

  • Breakfast Cereals

  • Extruded & Fried Snacks

  • Instant Mixes/ Soups

Couscous with Meat and Vegetables

Egg & Meat Products

  • Frozen Meat Products

  • Egg Powder Unit

  • Canned Fish & Meat Products

  • Sausages & Salami

  • Ready to Cook products

Image by Shelley Pauls

Pulse Products

  • Dal Mill

  • RTE Products

  • Besan Mill

  • Canned Pulses

  • Puffed Snacks

  • Organic Whole Pulses

Image by Devin Avery

Beverage Unit

  • RTS Juice in Tetrapak

  • Instant Tea Products

  • Natural Mineral Water

  • Packaged Drinking Water

  • Vitamin Drink

  • Sports Drink

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